讀 Taking the Long View.

救世主 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

引用自 豪華的監獄,其設計的理念與省思


救世主 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

無意中 瀏覽到這個網站, 點我連結 

這只能說 日本google chrom的廣告真的很棒呢

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救世主 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

This 31st of Jan, we went to London again.

To enjoy our afternoon tea and London Eye.the priority of our purpose we’d like to enjoy.

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Bournemouth is famouse for its beach, it’s  so beautiful, however, not many Bournemouth students spend their time on the awesome scene.

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In Taiwan, there is no snow in cities, otherwise you go to the high mountain, such as 合歡山 and  玉山. But it is still snowing rarely. So namely, I haven't seen snowing.

Leave alone the quick and small one in 26 Nov, while I were skypeing with my parents this afternoon, I found it was snowing outside, so happy I am to say byebye to them, can't wait for going outside to see snow falling.

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accbing2 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

長長的山路 晃得我七暈八素無暇欣賞 只好闔上雙眼 假裝我們開在平地上 飛往雲端

終於到了深坑老街過年過節 人潮擁擠川流不息 老街也僅能淺嚐 首先我們先去吃看深坑的臭豆腐

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極度新鮮的一家海鮮店,只能說鮮鮮鮮 這三個字了! 口味略重,服務不錯,環境冷氣開得極涼,

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